Bancroft Engineering, a leading provider of automated welding equipment is proud to unveil a new visual brand identity with the release of a modern corporate logo, website, and tagline.
The logo has been updated using blue and gold colors to better reflect the company’s brand today after over 50 years in business. The new tag line “The Right Tool for the Job” communicates quality and reliability. It is meant to depict the ongoing partnership between Bancroft Engineering and their customers to continually create a superior experience.
Manufacturers have turned to Bancroft Engineering in search of custom automated welding equipment. But as complexity and time-to-market pressures have increased, they need a more complete solution to tackle these complex welding problems and other manufacturing tasks. This, in turn, involves creating a stronger customer experience and brand identity with an emphasis on integration, precision, and quality.
The new visual identity presents Bancroft as a modern and evolving company while reflecting on the company’s strength and direction.
“Our new logo better communicates what Bancroft Engineering stands for today.”  Says Travis Frea, President of Bancroft Engineering. “We are proud to be ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving manufacturing industry and our new brand identity will illustrate how far Bancroft has come in its 50+ year history. The refreshed new look mirrors the exciting direction we are taking our company.”
The new logo has been rolled out across Bancroft’s digital and physical properties and compliments a comprehensive re-design of Bancroft’s website that makes it easier for customers to quickly find the solutions they need. Visit:
Based in Waukesha, WI, Bancroft Engineering’s expertise in technology will improve your welding operation. From simple stand-alone machines to full robotic automation cells. Bancroft Engineering is uniquely qualified to furnish reliable, cost-effective solutions.